(sorry no fancy formatting this time. :( ) The fall of Kingsrealm-Alter was nowhere near as clean as the destruction of Kingsrealm. There was no bloodshed, no revolution, only a slow decay to nothing. This is, in large part, due to there being no Babe to find. When the four founders reached the top of the lost frontier, they found nothing but open air. The kingdom's best scholars toiled for years, trying to rationalise her absence, but in the end they all came to the same conclusion. The Babe had never been real. It was a mere legend, told by those desperate to justify their need to climb. And so, the land fell into a comfortable numbness. Sure, there may be no Babe, but that didn't mean they hadn't achieved something great in it's own right! No other city in the realm could compare to Underburg! No king in all the realms could claim a castle half as skillfully made as the True King's Castle! Of course, it was not in the nature of the mountain to allow it's climbers to lay idle. And so it didn't. First came the rain. While it was inconvenient, the people of Kingsrealm-Alter simply stayed inside. They'd come too far to let a little rain best them! Following that was the snow. While the chill was certainly uncomfortable, and the True King's Castle had to be abandoned, the people of Underburg tightened their doors and stoked their fires. Then was the plague. Nature couldn't get to them, so the mountain had to conjur the unnatural. Of course, the people resisted. They built a dungeon in the sewers, to lock the infected in! They started burning herbs! They tore down entire infected sectors of the burg! None of it worked. The deeper they hid, the stronger the plague became. By the time they realised their sedentariness was the very thing the plague lived off of, it was too late.